Day 2 of my ALX Software Engineering Journey: The Power of Grit, Yet and Shell Navigations

Grit is a quality used to describe unrelenting and unwavering persistence toward achieving a long-term goal. Part of today’s project involved us watching a Ted talk about grit. Following the level of difficulty that comes with advancing in this program, the team at ALX is concerned with conditioning our minds for the greater task ahead to ensure we persevere to the very end.

The Power of Yet:

The concept of 'not yet' as a grading system was introduced to us today to enable us to understand what it means to have a growth mindset. It enabled us to understand that when we fail at learning or in the execution of projects it’s not because we aren’t intelligent but because we lack the required knowledge to scale through such phase and with the aid of a growth mindset we can do more.

Shell Navigations:

The Shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives it to the operating system to perform tasks. It runs on a Unix environment called Linux. We were introduced to basic commands used in the shell. I was made to understand that Shell doesn’t support a graphical user interface. Some shell commands include :

pwd: this command prints the current directory a user is on.

cd: this command is used to change the directory.

ls: this command is used to list files or folders.

cp: this command copies files and directories.

mv: is used to rename files or directories.

rm: used to remove files and directories.

mkdir: is used to make directories.

These commands can be pegged to wield greater power that can be used to navigate the hierarchical system of storage in Linux.

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