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Day 9 of my ALX Software Engineering Journey: Preserving your Mental health and Conquering Impostor Syndrome
The feeling that you’ve not earned enough accomplishments, the feeling of unworthiness, that feeling of being a fraud, all these and more are common characteristics seen in individuals who have Impostor syndrome. Our journey to greatness in ALX Software Engineering isn’t complete till we curb stumbling blocks like this. A quick summary of what I learned about Impostor syndrome is buttressed below:
Source of Impostor syndrome
Impostor syndrome is often termed a disease, some term it depression but it’s just a state of mind. It’s barely an abnormality. It stems from the idea that others are just as skilled as oneself hence such a person is not deserving of accolades. When this isn’t controlled it’s often disastrous.
How to Combat Impostor Syndrome
Talk about it:
Share your challenges with individuals who have overcome Impostor syndrome, no one’s in a better position to help you than someone who has overcome that challenge you’re facing.
Consciously denounce yourself for having Impostor syndrome:
In the 1970s, 2 clinicians coined the word impostor syndrome to describe the symptoms seen in high-achieving women. They often felt worthless and undeserving of their achievements. They were often asked to consciously remind themselves that they don't have Impostor syndrome.
They noted the following symptoms in them:
They believed people had an exaggerated view of their abilities.
They feared being exposed as a fraud.
They downplayed their achievements.
Practice telling yourself you deserve all you've achieved.
Celebrate who you are and what you’ve achieved:
"You could have the best product and nobody will know till you put yourself out there. There's no point being the world's best secret"
Tiwalola Ogunlesi.
Maintain a mindset of positivity.
Mindfully use social media:
The type of people you should avoid on social media are people that downplay your achievements. Stick to the ones that push you further in life.
Track your achievements:
According to Tiwalola Ogunlesi, a monthly tracker is necessary to keep a record of your achievements. Here is a template of an achievement tracker.
All these steps and more are tips from resources that ALX shared with my peers today to help deal with Impostor syndrome.